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Zhe Wang, MD PhD
Chairman and Professor
Department of Pathology
Xijing Hospital and School of Basic Medicine
Fourth Military Medical University
No. 169, Changle West Road
Xi’an, Shaanxi Province 710032
Tel: +86-29-8477-4538
E-mail: zhwang@fmmu.edu.cn

Peizhen Hu
Organizing Committee Assistant, CSHP/SH Workshop 2019
Department of Pathology
Xijing Hospital and School of Basic Medicine
Fourth Military Medical University
No. 169, Changle West Rd.
Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. 710032
P.R China
Tel: +86-13772004024
Email: hupigeon@fmmu.edu.cn

Jianfeng Wu
Organizing Committee Assistant, CSHP/SH Workshop 2019
Department of Pathology
Xijing Hospital
Fourth Military Medical University
No. 169, Changle West Rd.
Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. 710032
P.R China
Tel: +86-15702969486
Email: kobewoo1989@163.com